Sunday, May 26, 2013

Request to hear from people noticing Hum or Noise

If you, or anyone else you know, is hearing an unidentified Hum or Noise, we want to hear from you.

We have expanded the scope of our search from Calgary and are now collecting data from Edmonton.  We are interested in continuing to hear from people in those two cities, plus any other areas, particularly in Alberta.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious; what pat of Edmonton have you had reports from?

I just learned about the Taos hum today, which led me here. I'd love to hear this strange phenomenon in person!

Thank you.

Frank said...

We recently have a noticeable hum in Acadia, (South Calgary). I have lived in this area since 2005 but it seems to be a recent issue. I have tried to follow the sound to see if it is some sort of faulty transformer in the area but to no avail, (this is roughly how I would describe the sound). It seems to be noticeable from the evening until morning. Curious if anyone in Acadia or south Calgary hear this.

Frank said...
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D. Negrey said...

Edmonton: North, Kilkenny area.

D. Negrey said...

yes, there have been reports from south Calgary.

Anonymous said...

We moved to Royal Oak in Sept 2012 and I hear the noise practically every night. It sounds like the low rumble of engines in the distance. I have to sleep with earplugs in every night.

K.D. said...

I can hear the noise in Arbour Lake, Calgary. I thought it was from the Telus tower in the community because when I walked pass it, the noise did seem to be clearer and louder. However, this is a recent phenomenon and the fact that there are reports from other places as others mentioned seems to nullify this hypothesis. Others can please check this too.

Andrew said...

I have commented previously about the low frequency noise in Calgary when I moved to Citadel from Tuscany. So here is an update:
When I initially lived in Tuscany I could not hear the hum, moved to Citadel and instantly heard the hum. Did more research to see if I could find the source of the noise and it was still there over many communitees. Moved back to Tuscany and noise is still there. Here is what I have found so far: Noise starts at approx 4am, it is not the trains (noise was still present during the floods when the trains had stopped) I am suspecting either the dam turbines/pumps or the water treatment facility on the Bow. The date that I can put to the noise starting is May 2011.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It is clear by reading this blog that the solution will not be found soon enough to save our household from going insane.

We live in Calgary. I'm reluctant to say where, as our house is likely going up for sale very soon. It suffices to say that my neighbourhood hasn't been mentioned here - yet.

Last night, Sept 17 2013 from ~3AM to 4AM the noise was VERY bad again. Last week, Sept 11th or 12th (not exactly sure, as insomnia has warped my sense of time) it was the WORST I've ever felt it. Our household is filled with oil and gas professionals and we all had a long discussion this morning... conclusion: we are now exploring the options with our employers (such as they are, pfft!) in order to leave Calgary fast - telecommute, early retirement in one case, or just outright quit and take the hit - all in order to attain some well deserved rest that clearly cannot be found here.

Charles G said...

The community of Royal Oak in Calgary experiences a loud rumble, like a freight train every single night. It's loud enough that it wakes up residents.

Anonymous said...

We recently moved to the central NW of Calgary, Kincora, as of early summer 2013. 3 of 4 family members have barely slept since. We've had it, we want out and can't imagine being here anymore. We never sleep through the night and are always awake from 3-4am, sometimes woken as early as 2am, and sometimes it goes on until almost 5, but the constant is 3-4. It feels like electricity running through your body, the house 'hums' and our ears ring even to the point of being painful with pressure. Add to this the sound of planes flying directly over us every 5 mins into the wee hours of the morning and the traffic from Stony Trail- holy jeez, who the hell sleeps in this area? My immediate reaction to what is going on with the humming/buzzing is our serious increase of EMF exposure in the city. City of Calgary has completed their horrid water smart meter installation and Atco Gas is well on their way to being done with all neighbourhoods. Enmax is next on the list. So, most houses alone have 2 and soon 3 smart meters buzzing, and add all the cell phone towers etc. We're being microwaved in our homes from dirty electricity frankly. For the sake our my family's health and sanity, we can't wait to leave Calgary.

Anonymous said...

Smart Meters do their major "data dump" around 3am. This is causing audible and non-audible sleep disturbance throughout any city, area, or country where smart meters are installed.

Anonymous said...

Starting two nights ago, January 17, I have experienced a vibrating hum in Tuscany. It is driving me mad and is 24 hours with an increase in volume at night. I am losing sleep. Please advise if anyone else may be experiencing this as well. Power has been checked and is not an issue.

Unknown said...

North west side Edmonton. 8pm

Anonymous said...

I heard it in central northeast Edmonton. We have a huge cell phone tower 2 blocks away, and also some smaller neighborhood power lines. I hear it only at night on clear sky since at least a year ago. I went outside to listen and it was a very loud, almost echoing hum. Something miles away- like a jet engine or something from the downtown airport, now closed

Anonymous said...

Little late but I think this may be the damn noise I have been hearing for years! It's usually after midnight and is a humming in kind of an unsteady wave that is sometimes louder and sometimes tolerably low in volume. It reminds me of an idling truck and is here nearly every night. I've noticed it staying at both my own house and my neighbours. I live in central Edmonton a few km away from downtown in what is generally a somewhat quiet area.

Anonymous said...

between the hours of 1am and 3am i hear a squeaking sound kind of like something from an old 300 bps modem communications signal back in the day followed by two very low drowned out hums. This occurs about half dozen times that time frame. The hums only occur right after one another and then cease.(two cycles) Duration of hums are approx 30 seconds. Then vanish. August 10th 2015 at 2:30am it occurred again where the hums lightly vibrated my office. This is getting weird. Location. Norther Ontario - Muskoka region.

Anonymous said...

I am also plagued with this 24/7 droning noise in Tuscany. It's a low frequency, cyclical type of noise which sounds like maybe bad bearings on a large motor or generator. It's definitely worse at night, but this could be because the lack of other distracting noises present during that time. The sound must be reverberating through the ground, and inside the quiet homes it's amplified by the structure of the houses. I hope the source can be located. This is driving me bonkers.

Anonymous said...

I'm in Panorama Hills and I am hearing this home and feeling this rumble day and night and it's making me crazy I can't believe it's not on the nightly news. It really should eat and then we can see how many people come forward with the same experience!

D. Negrey said...

There has been extensive coverage of the Noise Investigation Team's work and the hum on most of the Calgary TV and news stations, as well as in the newspapers and even on a national radio show. We covered those events in earlier blog posts. There was also regular coverage of the hum and related activities in the Ranchlands community newspaper. Most recently, the hum was featured in Calgary news with the stories following the developments of a mobile app to help track the hum. It took the diligence and commitment of a team of volunteers to bring this information forward. To date, the only community to have put together a group of volunteers was from Ranchlands. If other communities were to assemble similar volunteer groups concerned about the hum, the news services may again be interested in bringing the hum issue forward. Please be in touch with us if you are interested in setting one up in your area. We would be happy to share our experiences with the Ranchlands Community Association to help others set up their own group of volunteers.

Anonymous said...

I heard this noise last night/this morning. Around 4 am, it started quite low and got louder. Kept me awake. Seemed to be coming from outside, cracked a window and it definitely was coming from outside. I live east central Edmonton, close enough to train tracks that I can hear the trains coming and going, but this wasn't from a train. Can only be described as what I would say was a low frequency hum, consistent in it's tone. Got quite loud for a few minutes and lasted about 20-30.