Monday, August 17, 2009

Questionnaire on Noise

There have been some progressive steps taken in our Noise search. In this month's Ranchland's Round Up, a noise questionnaire is being circulated for residents of Ranchlands and other Northwest residents. The questionnaire is part of the research project into the Noise being conducted by University of Calgary's Dr. M. Epstein and Richard Patching. Residents reading this blog who are bothered by unidentified noise are encouraged to fill out and return the questionnaire. Those without access to the Ranchlands Round Up may contact Dr. Epstein at:

Preliminary recordings done by Richard Patching are providing hard evidence of the Noise. Richard is willing, and hoping to come to individual resident's homes and take recordings as part of the effort to identify the humming noise's source.

SUCCESS STORY: Two Calgary residents who were bothered by a constant low-frequency humming noise have had it stopped! In both cases, the cause was related to the Water Department. Please be sure to let us know if you've had a problem with an unidentified noise that has been resolved.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for these postings! Before trecking off on another websearch, I was hoping you'd be able to provide more information or point me in the right direction as to exactly what the two residents were able to identify as the cause of the hum concerning the local water works. I've suffered since 2007 and am v.slowly working my way through a logical process of elimination. Many thanks.

D. Negrey said...

Dear Anon,

The two residents worked with City Waterworks in identifying and resolving the problem.

Please update us on your situation when you have a moment, particularly if you found a resolution to the problem.

All the best!