Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Open Invitation: Ranchlands Community Association Annual General Meeting

The Ranchlands Community Association would like to extend an open invitation to attend their AGM on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 7:00 PM at the Ranchlands Community Centre.

The Noise Topic we have been pursuing these last two years will be on the agenda.

We encourage as many of you to attend as possible. This is a civic election year. That being the case, we may be able to get the City of Calgary to give this issue the attention it requires. Your support will go a long way to helping this happen.  To date, the City and our Alderman's office has done little to assist us in finding a solution to this problem.  

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Best Regards,
D. Negrey

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Noise Log

Greeting All,

We hope this message finds everyone in good spirits as we begin August.

We would like to request two things from everyone suffering from the Noise problem, please:

1. A request for you to start a "Noise Log".
This could be a calendar, free from places like Co-Op, on which you simply write down the time of day and the level of the Noise. For instance, this morning I noticed at 11:00 AM the Noise was moving between a 5/10 - 6/10. On my calendar, I wrote "11 AM: 5/10-6/10". If you do not notice anything on a given day, simply leave it blank.

2. Sharing how things have been at your place lately.
Please write this down on your Noise Log in addition to emailing the group.

We need the comparative anecdotal data because it's not possible for us to have electronic monitoring devices running simultaneously at a number of locations. We're also overwhelmed trying to compile data from various respondents who contact us through email with daily observations. There have been a couple strong leads surfacing these last few months & your Noise Log will go a long way to helping us pursue these.

Looking forward to hearing back from everyone!

Take Care,